Are you interested in developing some coaching skills? Would you like to be able to have coaching style conversations to support your colleagues and service users? Have you wanted to give coaching a go but always thought it might not be for you? No previous coaching skills required.

We are looking to widen the coaching talent pool across the Partnership. You do not need to have had any previous coaching experience but if you are keen to find out more and start to develop the skills this course is for you.

We recognise that coaching has been used a lot within the NHS but is less well utilised in the voluntary sector. We also know there are less coaches from ethnic minority backgrounds and as such we are keen to attract participants from these diverse backgrounds, and from voluntary and community services.

The course takes a well evidenced approach but has been adapted to give space to using the skills in different settings and with a more diverse range of people. This course is part of a wider programme in developing the coaching offer and we hope that attracting a diverse group of people the expertise and experience brought will help to continue to shape and grow the offer even further.

Commitment is two days in four half day sessions. Participants must be able to attend all four sessions across September/ October 2021. Dates are:

  • 15 Sept 13:15 – 16:45;
  • 20 Sept 09:15 – 12:45;
  • 30 Sept 13:15 – 16:45;
  • 1 Oct 09:15 – 12:45.

To enrol or find out more email with name, role, organisation and contact details. Deadline: 1 Sept (places are limited).