OverviewThis image shows the Fellowship logo. The text reads 'The Fellowship Programme- Increasing the diversity of our leadership in West Yorkshire

The Fellowship Programme is an award- winning leadership development programme aimed specifically at colleagues from ethnically diverse backgrounds who are working within the Health and Care system in West Yorkshire. It was designed to help achieve our 10 big ambitions as a Partnership, as set out in our People Plan.

In particular the programme aims to increase the diversity of our leaders within Health and Care roles across West Yorkshire. The programme has been running since 2020, and in that time 50 people have either completed, or are currently undertaking it.

Programme benefits:

Since we launched the programme, it has found great success. 82% of Cohort 1 and 67% of Cohort 2 are now in a job role of their choice since completing the programme.

Its success was even recognised at the Health Service Journal Awards where the programme won ‘System Leadership Initiative of the Year’. You can find out more about why you should apply or read case studies with previous participants for more information.

"I would not be standing here today without the Fellowship Programme"- Bilal Mohammed, Fellow, speaking at the launch of the West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board Strategy

Programme structure for Cohort 3 & 4:

This is a picture of the graduation celebration event following the conclusion of cohort 1 of the Fellowship/The programme is split into two distinct parts: a  developmental period based solely in fellows own organisations, and a 12 month project placement for one day a week.

Throughout the programme, fellows will also be able to access high quality learning and development, including:

  • A senior mentor with significant experience within the health and care sector.
  • A trained coach to offer personalised support with your development needs.
  • Regular scope for growth career conversations with trained facilitators.
  • Consistent networking and peer support sessions to share their learning journeys with others on the programme
  • A development programme that covers a wide range of vital leadership and management skills, from influencing to project management techniques. 
"The programme was exactly what I needed to unlock my whole self as a leader​​"- Awais Habib, Fellowship alumnus.

Organisations/ teams wanted to host Fellowship Placements (Current Opportunity)

The Fellowship programme is looking for teams and organisations interested in hosting a Fellow. The Fellowship is a leadership development programme aimed specifically at colleagues from ethnically diverse communities who are working within health and care in West Yorkshire.

As part of the programme Fellows undertake a 12 month placement for one day a week with organisations within the sector. This placement is a fantastic opportunity for an organisation to gain an additional team member who can bring new perspectives, skills and experiences to the team. At the same time the placement will also support the Fellows own development through giving them the opportunity to work in different types of organisations with different teams.

The ideal placement would see a Fellow lead on a project that would be suitable for a mid-level manager, and the host organisation will pay the equivalent of 20% of the Fellows wages for their time.

If you are interested in hosting a placement please download the statement of commitment which has more information, or email us wyicb-wak.sldteam@nhs.net

More Information:

If you'd like more information then please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions or email wyicb-wak.sldteam@nhs.net.