Addressing your own wellbeing in busy and stretched roles can often feel overwhelming, but taking small and simple steps can help to move the dial on your emotional and physical health. Our trusted partners HALSA and the Cellar Trust have now released their Health and Wellbeing Programmes for 2022 which are open to everyone working in the West Yorkshire health and care system – including volunteers and people who work in local authorities. Click here to find out more
If you work in Bradford District and Craven, the Bradford District and Craven new Health and Wellbeing Virtual Hub has been developed in collaboration with partners, for everyone working in the local health and social care sector and the Local Authority. The Hub provides a digital ‘Front Door’ for health and wellbeing resources by signposting to toolkits, top tips, support and initiatives that encourage self-care, self-help and peer support as well as specialist help and support when you need it.